Monday, 24 September 2012

Linguistic Miracle - Quran Gems - Surah Al Layl (92) - Pronunciation

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

Guidance is by Allah SubhanawaTaala the Most High!
And inspiration is by Bro Nouman Ali Khan!

The Quran is unique and unparalleled in it's literary style and content.

I was just reading Surah Al-Layl (The Night).

Something struck me when I was reciting verses 92:7 and 92:10

92:7 Fasanu-Yassiruhu-Lil-Yusraa (And we will ease him toward ease)
92:10 Fasanu-Yassiruhu-Lil-Usraa (And we will ease him toward difficulty)

If you recite these ayah, you will realise that when we recite lil yusraa, it is very easy on the tongue. There is no stress on the mouth or throat during recital.

But when you recite Lil -Usraa, it is an Ain in Arabic. There is extra stress on the throat while reciting the Usraa part.

Allah in these ayah is telling us on the state of man and how Allah puts him towards ease or difficulty depending on the path the person choses.

And SubhanAllah, all Praise is for Allah, on how beautifully the ease and difficulty in pronunciation also coincides with what Allah is saying in these words.

These are my thoughts alone and I have not read it from any scholar or any book.

Any evil from this is from my own self and anything good that I have said is from Allah.

May Allah guide us all. Ameen.

Inspired by the powerful Quranic verse:

اَفَلَا يَتَدَبَّرُوۡنَ الۡقُرۡاٰنَ‌ؕ وَلَوۡ كَانَ مِنۡ عِنۡدِ غَيۡرِ اللّٰهِ لَوَجَدُوۡا فِيۡهِ

اخۡتِلَافًا كَثِيۡرًا
Surah 4:82
 Will they not then ponder on the Qur'an? If it had been from other than Allah they would have found therein much incongruity.

Importance of Surah al Asr 103

Surah number 103. Surah Al-Asr (The Time)

1) In it is highlighted the importance of time. Allah swears by the time which is dripping away or melting away from our lives.

2) Every human being is in a state of loss. Every human being even though no matter how much wealth or possessions he has is in a state of loss. He is a loser at this very minute. We may own the best of houses, have the best of bank balances, have the most beautiful wives, have the most beautiful children and many more possessions in this world but in the sight of our Creator, we are still losers. Unless if we fulfill the 4 criteria set out in verse 3, only then will we have any chance of not being losers in the sight of Allah.

3) Unless if he believes, does righteous deeds(fulfills prayers, fasting, hajj and all of the duties required by Allah) and invites or exhorts others to the truth and if he invites and exhorts others to patience. Notice that there is a 'wau' in this verse. In simple terms there is an 'and' in between these 4 criterian laid out by Allah. Hence we have to complete all 4 and not pick and choose what we feel easy and comfortable with. The Road to Jannah is not easy. There are hardships along the way but the best amongst us will be the person who tries his very best and attains taqwa and piety.

This Surah is very profound. 3 verses only but it took about 4-5 hours of tafseer on this Surah by Brother Nouman Ali Khan. 

In one hadith, Hazrat Umar RadhiAllahuanhu mentioned that if Allah had just revealed this Surah alone, it would have been sufficient for man to understand what Allah requires from us.

Halal Food in Auckland

Food that we have tried and Halal

Kebab at Queens almost everywhere in town

Country Fried Chicken  - Outlets
Mangere -747 Massey Road, Mangere 2022
Papatoetoe, Manukau - 566 Great South Road (GAS Petrol Station)
Manurewa, Takanini - 325 Great South Road (Opposite Caltex) There are 2 in Manurewa. This one is Halal.

Milano's Pizza & Grilled Chicken
190 Kirkbride Rd, Mangere, Manukau

Pizza shop at Reeves Road in Pakuranga. Make very good pizza and you can request for halal as they use separate knives and meat for halal requests.
Branch in Takanini as well (29b Manuroa Road - Before Princess Street on the right)

Chicken Express - Fried Chicken and fastfood
16 Lambie Drive Manukau

Singapore and Malaysia style food in Cavendish Drive Manukau - Food court on main road
Tastes of Malaysia - Halal Certificate visible
611 Cavendish Drive 
09 2622063 (They do Takeaways)

Also all Oporto restaurants are halal

Indian Palace -
194 Great South Road  Papatoetoe 2025

Khyber Pass Halal Pakistani Restaurant -
19 Khyber Pass Rd Grafton Auckland

Auckland Fish Market near harbour in City. Lots of seafood

Flame burger Otahuhu (Big burger and cheap)

Flame Burger Ormiston Road (Also dosa vegetarian place just beside)
15 125 Ormiston Road  Flat Bush 2016
09-277 0842

Pakwan Halal Restaurant Otahuhu (Pakistani and North Indian)

Wardani Indonesian Food
15c Mercari Way, Albany, North Shore

Top in Town Briyani (Awesome Briyani - Sandringham)
586 Sandringham Road

Lazeez Indian and Pakistani Food - Manurewa 
185 Great South Rd
(South Mall)
Manukau City
09 267 6404 


Istanbul Kebabs & Pizza (Great kebab in Turkish bread)

96 Queen Street, Auckland Central, Auckland 

Kebab iMax Food Court Queen Street

Pita shop iMax Food Court Queen Street

Dosa and vegetarian Indian shop iMax Food Court Queen Street

Meditteranian Food iMax Food Court Queen Street

Auckland Fish Market near harbour in City. Lots of seafood

Nickie's Thai Food at 34 Broadway 

Mamak Malaysian Restaurant - Halal Certificate visible -
50 Kitchener St
(Chancery Square)
Auckland Central
Auckland City
09 948 6479